Hello World

This example uses the stock simple wsgi webserver to deploy this service. You should probably use a full-fledged server when deploying your service for production purposes.

Defining an Rpclib Service

Here we introduce the fundamental mechanisms the rpclib offers to expose your services.

The simpler version of this example is available here: http://github.com/arskom/rpclib/blob/master/examples/helloworld_soap.py

import logging

from rpclib.application import Application
from rpclib.decorator import srpc
from rpclib.interface.wsdl import Wsdl11
from rpclib.protocol.soap import Soap11
from rpclib.service import ServiceBase
from rpclib.model.complex import Iterable
from rpclib.model.primitive import Integer
from rpclib.model.primitive import String
from rpclib.server.wsgi import WsgiApplication

class HelloWorldService(ServiceBase):
    @srpc(String, Integer, _returns=Iterable(String))
    def say_hello(name, times):
        Docstrings for service methods appear as documentation in the wsdl
        <b>what fun</b>
        @param name the name to say hello to
        @param the number of times to say hello
        @return the completed array

        for i in xrange(times):
            yield 'Hello, %s' % name

if __name__=='__main__':
        from wsgiref.simple_server import make_server
    except ImportError:
        print "Error: example server code requires Python >= 2.5"


    application = Application([HelloWorldService], 'rpclib.examples.hello.soap',
                interface=Wsdl11(), in_protocol=Soap11(), out_protocol=Soap11())

    server = make_server('', 7789, WsgiApplication(application))

    print "listening to"
    print "wsdl is at: http://localhost:7789/?wsdl"


Dissecting this example: Application is the glue between one or more service definitions, interface and protocol choices.

from rpclib.application import Application

The srpc decorator exposes methods as remote procedure calls and declares the data types it accepts and returns. The ‘s’ prefix is short for static. It means no implicit argument will be passed to the function. In the @rpc case, the function gets a rpclib.MethodContext instance as first argument.

from rpclib.decorator import srpc

We are going to expose the service definitions using the Wsdl 1.1 document standard. The methods will use Soap 1.1 protocol to communicate with the outside world. They’re instantiated and passed to the Application constructor. You need to pass fresh instances to each application instance.

from rpclib.interface.wsdl import Wsdl11
from rpclib.protocol.soap import Soap11

For the sake of this tutorial, we are going to use HttpRpc as well. It’s a rest-like protocol, but it doesn’t care about HTTP verbs (yet).

from rpclib.protocol.http import HttpRpc

The HttpRpc serializer does not support complex types. So we will use the XmlObject serializer as the out_protocol to prevent the clients from dealing with Soap cruft.

from rpclib.protocol.http import XmlObject

ServiceBase is the base class for all service definitions.

from rpclib.service import ServiceBase

The names of the needed types for implementing this service should be self-explanatory.

from rpclib.model.complex import Iterable
from rpclib.model.primitive import Integer
from rpclib.model.primitive import String

Our server is going to use HTTP as transport, so we import the WsgiApplication from the server.wsgi module. It’s going to wrap the application instance.

from rpclib.server.wsgi import WsgiApplication

We start by defining our service. The class name will be made public in the wsdl document unless explicitly overridden with __service_name__ class attribute.

class HelloWorldService(ServiceBase):

The srpc decorator flags each method as a remote procedure call and defines the types and order of the soap parameters, as well as the type of the return value. This method takes in a string and an integer and returns an iterable of strings, just like that:

@srpc(String, Integer, _returns=Iterable(String))

The method itself has nothing special about it whatsoever. All input variables and return types are standard python objects:

def say_hello(name, times):
    for i in xrange(times):
        yield 'Hello, %s' % name

When returning an iterable, you can use any type of python iterable. Here, we chose to use generators.

Deploying the service using SOAP

Now that we have defined our service, we are ready to share it with the outside world.

We are going to use the ubiquitious Http protocol as a transport, using a Wsgi-compliant http server. This example uses Python’s stock simple wsgi web server. Rpclib has been tested with several other web servers. Any WSGI-compliant server should work.

This is the required import:

if __name__=='__main__':
    from wsgiref.simple_server import make_server

Here, we configure the python logger to show debugging output. We have to specifically enable the debug output from the soap handler. That’s because the xml formatting code is run only when explicitly enabled for performance reasons.


We glue the service definition, interface document and input and output protocols under the targetNamespace ‘rpclib.examples.hello.soap’:

application = Application([HelloWorldService], 'rpclib.examples.hello.soap',
            interface=Wsdl11(), in_protocol=Soap11(), out_protocol=Soap11())

We then wrap the rpclib application with its wsgi wrapper:

wsgi_app = WsgiApplication(application)

The above two lines can be replaced with an easier-to-use function that covers this common use case:

from rpclib.util.simple import wsgi_soap_application
wsgi_app = wsgi_soap_application([HelloWorldService], 'rpclib.examples.hello.soap')

We now register the WSGI application as the handler to the wsgi server, and run the http server:

server = make_server('', 7789, wsgi_app)

print "listening to"
print "wsdl is at: http://localhost:7789/?wsdl"



You can test your service using suds. Suds is a separate project for building pure-python soap clients. To learn more visit the project’s page: https://fedorahosted.org/suds/. You can simply install it using easy_install suds.

So here’s how you can use suds to test your new rpclib service:

from suds.client import Client
hello_client = Client('http://localhost:7789/?wsdl')
result = hello_client.service.say_hello("Dave", 5)
print result

The script’s output would be as follows:

    string[] =
        "Hello, Dave",
        "Hello, Dave",
        "Hello, Dave",
        "Hello, Dave",
        "Hello, Dave",

Deploying service using HttpRpc

This example is available here: http://github.com/arskom/rpclib/blob/master/examples/helloworld_http.py.

The only difference between the SOAP and the HTTP version is the application instantiation line:

application = Application([HelloWorldService], 'rpclib.examples.hello.http',
        interface=Wsdl11(), in_protocol=HttpRpc(), out_protocol=XmlObject())

We still want to keep Xml as the output protocol as the HttpRpc protocol is not able to handle complex types.

Here’s how you can test your service using wget:

wget "http://localhost:7789/say_hello?times=5&name=Dave" -qO -

If you have HtmlTidy installed, you can use this command to get a more readable output.

wget "http://localhost:7789/say_hello?times=5&name=Dave" -qO - | tidy -xml -indent

The command’s output would be as follows:

<?xml version='1.0' encoding='utf8'?>
<ns1:say_helloResponse xmlns:ns1="rpclib.examples.hello.http"
    <ns1:string>Hello, Dave</ns1:string>
    <ns1:string>Hello, Dave</ns1:string>
    <ns1:string>Hello, Dave</ns1:string>
    <ns1:string>Hello, Dave</ns1:string>
    <ns1:string>Hello, Dave</ns1:string>

What’s next?

See the User Manager tutorial that will walk you through defining complex objects and using events.

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High-Level Introduction to Rpclib

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User Manager

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