.. _changelog: ****************** History and Future ****************** Versioning ========== Rpclib respects Semantic Versioning rules outlined in http://semver.org. This means you can do better than just adding ``'rpclib'`` to your list of dependencies. Assuming the current version of rpclib is 2.4.8, you can use the following as dependency string: * ``rpclib`` if you feel adventurous or are willing to work on rpclib itself. * ``rpclib<3`` if you only want backwards-compatible bug fixes and new features. * ``rpclib<2.5`` if you only want backwards-compatible bug fixes. * ``rpclib=2.4.8`` if you rather like that version. We have a policy of pushing to pypi as soon as possible, so be sure to at least use the second option to prevent things from breaking unexpectedly. Rpclib project uses -alpha -beta and -rc labels to denote unfinished code. We don't prefer using separate integers for experimental labels. So for example, instead of having 2.0.0-alpha47, we'll have 2.2.5-alpha. * **-alpha** means unstable code. You may not recognize the project next time you look at it. * **-beta** means stable(ish) api, unstable behavior, there are bugs everywhere! Don't be upset if some quirks that you rely on disappear. * **-rc** means it's been working in production sans issues for some time on beta-testers' sites, but we'd still like it to have tested by a few more people. These labels apply to the project as a whole. Thus, we won't tag the whole project as beta because some new feature is not yet well-tested, but we will clearly denote experimental code in its documentation. .. include:: ../../ROADMAP.rst .. include:: comparison.rst .. include:: ../../CHANGELOG.rst